22 March 2007

This one goes up to eleven.

A more challenging week--in terms of my feelings of personal effectiveness. Inexplicable sinus pressure settled in at the end of last week for a few days as the weather turned back towards 30, chilly, damp, joint-aching. Questioning of geographic life-path (note: not career path) continuous in frequency. Overall dissatisfaction moderate to high, 7 on a scale of 1 to 10.

I'll explain:

10 - Cry Self To Sleep Each Night And Wake Crushed By Weight Of Own Self-Indulgent Sorrow (Seriously, Who Says Sorrow Unless They're Completely Over The Top Melodramatic?)

9 - Massive Ill-Advised Road Trip (note: no car) or Destructive Flirting (9.5)


7 - Dreams of Currently Unattainable Past Satisfactions

6 - Perhaps I Should Buy New Jeans

5 - Those Girl Scout Cookies Sure Are Good And I Think I'll Have Another (Box)

4 - Today I Shall Dress In An Inappropriately Aggressive Manner For Work And Social Engagements

3 - I'll Think Mean Thoughts About Every Other Stupid Commuter On This Stupid Train

2 - Self-Indulgent Blog Updates

1 - Gee, I'm Bored, I Think I'll Wake Up The Cat

+ + +

I've never really been to New York City, but we're going this weekend. I shall be bold and wear my light jacket. (Let it not be said that I am not an optimist in some things.) I only have a couple of things I intend to do, so that I can keep it unoverwhelming: see the recently installed Dinner Party at the Sackler gallery, get some of that 100-yr-old-culture yogurt at Yonah Schimmels on the Lower East Side, go to the vegan shoe store, and take a recently explosively dumped friend out to drown his sorrow. I'll report back on the level of relative deadliness I experience on the beleaguered Fung Wah bus line.

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Blogger Jack Slowriver said...

I think I hover around 4 on most days and I usually replace cookies with beer when the grump-o-meter goes up to 5. I hope you have an excellent weekend in NYC. I'm looking forward to a shot of your new vegan shoes and a smart analysis of the Judy Chicago commemoration.

11:13 AM  

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